World-class cardiac rehab is now available in Chennai

Cardiac rehab has become an integral part in the management of heart patients across the globe. This is because of the proven benefits of cardiac rehab, both immediate as well as long term, when combined with drug therapy and revascularization procedures. Now, for the first time, Cardiac Wellness Institute is providing world-class cardiac rehab that is both effective and suitable for our population.

Significant improvement in functional capacity

Functional capacity is nothing but your capacity to exercise. It is an important indicator of how well your heart is performing. Change in functional capacity was assessed by comparing 2 parameters before and after the program, namely, distance covered during the 6-minute walk test and metabolic equivalents (METS) from the treadmill test. There was a significant improvement in both the distance covered and the METS in patients who completed the program. This improvement was closely associated with an ability to do more activities on a daily basis.

Considerable reduction in BMI and waist circumference

Body mass index (BMI) is your weight in relation to your height. BMI and waist circumference are important measures of body fat and abdominal fat respectively. Our program participants showed a considerable reduction in BMI and waist circumference as well as an improvement in dietary behavior.

Remarkable improvement in angina threshold

Angina threshold is the level of activity that brings upon angina or chest pain in an individual with coronary heart disease. The supervised and incremental exercise training of our cardiac rehab program resulted in remarkable improvement in angina threshold in all the patients who had angina at the start of the program.